May 21 2012 As we pulled into my cousin's driveway in Durham, NC after having spent two weeks on the Outer Banks, I got a mobile phone call from American Express security. The robo voice asked who I was and did I have my card with the following digits in my possession. "Yes." Then the robo voice asked if I had made a certain charge at The Home Depot. "No." From there, I got an agent on the phone. Same questions about my name, billing address, and whether I had the card in my Possession. I actually opened my wallet to verify what my mind knew - it was where it was supposed to be. Not bad to check, though. The Home Depot charge was from the New York area and had been made about 15 minutes ago. Since we were in NC and had been, no way.

You know the drill. They have to cancel the current card, I need to look at all the charges that come through on the charge to verify.all are okay, etc. And they will send me a new card within 48 hours.

So, my hat is off to the security system at American Express to be able to pick up one errant charge and a quick contact to me (also had an email from them when I went online later).

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